Integrated Trauma Coaching

There are varied responses to trauma: post-traumatic responses can include a heightened nervous system, as with anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, and difficulty sleeping; or a depressed nervous system, as with depression, low energy, interpersonal difficulties, detachment, and feeling disconnected from self or others. The type of talk therapy that treats these conditions can vary, but both types can benefit from somatic and other integrated techniques. 

The somatic techniques I use can help immensely with tolerance to certain other therapies as well. If you have tried EMDR, CBT, or exposure therapy and were too overwhelmed to continue, this program might help you regulate enough to tolerate those therapies.

Most importantly, somatic techniques help you re-establish a sense of safety. For people who have experienced trauma, feeling safe can be an elusive goal. Somatic healing is about learning to embrace and trust your body, acknowledge old wounds left by trauma, and release the hold they have on you. Feeling and truly believing you are safe is an integral part of this process that develops throughout treatment.

Meet Dr. Jesse

​My name is Jesse, and I am a licensed physical therapist, registered yoga instructor, and somatic trauma coach. I earned my Master’s Degree in Psychology in 2012 and my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2020. I have practiced yoga regularly since 2008 and have been a yoga instructor since 2015. I have advanced training in integrative trauma coaching, somatic exercises, mindfulness-based stress reduction, breathwork, and meditation.

I am a trauma survivor and have found somatic techniques to be essential in my healing. However, I use a variety of trauma coaching techniques to meet you where you are. My job is to help you reconnect with your body, take the power out of your trauma, and teach you how to stay present and feel safe no matter what you’ve experienced. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

We review applications carefully and, if necessary, speak with you prior to beginning coaching to ensure that we are a good fit.

Sessions are not refundable, but may be transferrable. If you have a situation that requires you to change your coaching timeline, reach out and we will work with you.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon being approved for coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.